Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Nutritional Ketosis - The "Real Facts"

The following videos are by "key opinion leaders" in the area of nutritional ketosis. They dispel some of the myths and miss-truths on the subject.

Ketosis is a normal and natural state of our biology and metabolism. Before the agricultural age and our ability to store foods that were only seasonally available, we entered in and out of ketosis based on the availability of food sources each season.

Individuals using this nutritional approach have achieved long lasting weight loss, reduction in inflammation, remission of type II diabetes and a host of other positive benefits often experienced with the removal of high glucose producing carbohydrates and the associated high insulin levels. This is not just  a nutritional strategy for weight loss, but is a life long healthy approach to nutrition.

Dr Caryn Zinn - 'Low Carb, High Fat in practice'

Dr. Stephen Phinney - 'Achieving and Maintaining Nutritional Ketosis'

Jeff Volek: The Many Facets of Keto-Adaptation: Health, Performance, and Beyond

The Beauty of Self Actualization

Being physically fit is a worthy thing for more than just the clinical level of health.

“The Beauty of Self Actualization: Linking Physical Attractiveness and Self-Fulfillment” describes statistically significant results between physical attractiveness and self-actualization. One definition of "self actualization" is that of "achievement of one's full potential through creativity, independence, spontaneity, and a grasp of the real world".

The measurement of self-actualization used in the study was the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) questionnaire (Shostrom, 1962). The POI was created to measure 12 specific characteristics deemed to be most important for achieving higher levels of self-actualization.

The study results revealed the high attractiveness group scored higher on all 12 POI scales, with 7 of them reaching statistical significance at the p < 0.05 level (one – tailed): Inner Directedness, Self Actualizing Value, Feeling Reactivity, Spontaneity, Self Regard, Self Acceptance and Capacity for Intimate Contact.

The 12 characteristics are:

Time Ratio - measures the degree to which one lives in the present, not the past or future. Self-actualized individuals are Time-competent (Tc) therefore they focus on their present experience without unnecessarily ruminating on past events or future fantasies. They are less burdened by guilt or regrets from the past, and their future is mainly tied to achieving present goals, therefore they live in the present with achievable goals and full awareness;

Support Ratio - measures whether one is inner-directed or other-directed. If a person is Inner-directed (I), their own beliefs and self-motivations are the driving force for any decisions or actions that they make in life. Other-directed persons, however, are to a great extent guided by external circumstances or surrounding peer groups rather than their own internal states. This could lead to over-sensitization and fear of others’ opinions. Self-actualized individuals tend to be more inner-directed, meaning they are self-supportive and free from others’ judgments;

Self Actualizing Values (SAV) – measuring affirmation of primary values characterized by self actualizing individuals (e.g., autonomy and independence, self sufficiency and self efficacy);

Existentiality (Ex) – measures ability to react to each situation without rigid adherence to principles;

Feeling Reactivity (FR) – measures sensitivity of responsiveness to one’s needs and feelings;
Spontaneity (S) – measures freedom to act and be oneself;

Self Regard (SR) – measures affirmation of self worth and strengths;

Self Acceptance (SA) – measures acceptance of oneself in spite of weaknesses;

Nature of Man (Na) – measures extent of constructive view of the nature of man;

Synergy (Sy) – measures ability to resolve dichotomies;

Acceptance of Aggression (A) – measures ability to accept one’s aggression as natural;

Capacity for Intimate Contact (C) – measures ability to develop intimate relations with others, unencumbered by expectation and obligation.

High Intensity Weight Training - Osteoporosis and Seniors

Once again, the basic fundamental free weight training demonstrates health benefits - this time in preventing and reversing osteoporosis. Dead lifts and Presses.

Queensland Research Helping Osteoporosis Sufferers with Weight Training